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Some thoughts about myth

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Some thoughts about myth by the university professor, writer, publicist and scriptwriter David Jan Novotný comprise eighteen chapters covering Old Testament, Greek, Middle Ages, modern and contemporary myths. The first chapter explains the origin of this piece of work; the second chapter deals with the conception of a myth; the third chapter concerns different genres.

In the other chapters we read the explanations of various myths, which have been passed on both orally and literally, and nowadays also in theatre, film or Internet versions. The author logically begins with a creation myth, original sin and a flood myth.

However, he also includes typically Czech myths (or at least considered to be originally Czech) such as the story of Golem. In the other parts we read about the misinterpretation adopted by Czech media concerning the importance of the number 8 in Czech history.

The events of 1989 as well as contemporary events are also included. Next, the author criticizes nationalism, ponders over history (Broadside Ballads), Biblical motives (Lecture on Cryptozoology, David and Goliath, Ressurection in the Holy Land), reflects on the emergence of various media start (Stardust), contemplates Imagebuilding, and in the final part discusses myths concerning the -isms.

Individual parts seemingly deal with bygone events. The settings are also contemporary, so that young readers can read about facts they are not familiar with, and which can help them understand the context.

These parts include Czech and Czechoslovakian history. The chapter about nationalism is worth reading as well as the parts about so-called -isms.

The book includes the 2008 Manifesto of Pisa's Realism, in which the author defines a new art movement that inspires not only him but also other Czech writers, filmmakers a painters.