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Situation of migrants employed in domestic work activities in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences |


This study presents the results of one of the first empirical studies among migrant workers as (assistants, nurses, cleaners, cooks) in Czech households. The results show significant differences between the position of women working in the so-called.

In-home and out-home services. It also shows that the Czech Republic is also possible to meet with a number of features similar activities identified in other countries (transnational families, illegal or informal contracts, problems with defining a reimbursement of overtime), but have not been identified extreme forms of problematic phenomena.

Despite the existence of non- or semi-legal employment overall, migrants contribute positively Czech economy, the Czech Republic, however, has significant inefficiencies in the use of this type of migration, especially the experience and training of certain groups of migrants. In the future demographic trends can expect a further increase in this type of migration, it would be appropriate to adapt the regulation of migration policy.