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Front gem of the earth: the larger provincial court of the Kingdom of Bohemia in time Rudolfine

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Greater provincial court, constituted in the 13th century during the reign of Ottokar II., Was for centuries the most important public authorities on the grounds of the kingdom. He was not only the most prestigious and respected judicial body, only competent in disputes on board goods, but also exceeded its competence in administrative and political.

His associate, including the place of honor traditionally been chief provincial officials, have formed closer royal council and significantly influenced the fate of the whole of the state. Provincial court also played the role of regulatory and called.

General findings (whose importance was in the early modern period but past his prime) could form the noble form of law. It is therefore paradoxical that the Czech legal history still has not paid attention to this key institution.

The book tries to fill this gap somewhat, summarizes on archival research to date knowledge about the origin, composition and competence of the Provincial Court and detailed maps its staff during the reign of Emperor Rudolf II.