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Analysis of trace organic compounds in environmental, food and biological matrices using large-volume sample injection in column-switching liquid chromatography

Publication at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


In recent years, the emergence and the fate of organic compounds in environmental, food and biological samples have resulted in increased public concern because these compounds have the capacity to produce adverse health effects and have a negative influence on human life. This article presents an overview of the applicability of large-volume sample injection (LVSI) in column-switching high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems for the trace analysis of organic compounds (i.e., pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, illegal food additives, toxins, and other organic contaminants) in different matrices (i.e., environmental, food and biological) as an alternative approach to preconcentrating and lowering the limits of detection of chromatographic methods.

This review examines the general and practical aspects, the advantages, the pitfalls and the troubleshooting of method development, and future perspectives and trends of LVSI in on-line solid-phase extraction with HPLC for preconcentration and analysis of trace organic compounds.