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The Prague Spring 1968 in Pardubice District : The Politics, Students and Media

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


This paper deals with so called Prague Spring in 1968 in Pardubice district. During this period Czechoslovak society undergone several changes, civil society was slowly established, and the reforms were in progress.

The media had one of the major impacts on this situation. The criticism of the leading ideology, politics, and their representative was implement by media, which at the time were experiencing wide freedom compere to the years following the communist take over in 1948.

Thus, media had the functions closely connected to a liberal concept of society. At the same time, young people especially students at the universities were publishing student magazines, challenging political situation, and overall engaged in society development.

This paper analyses the situation of media, politics and university in Pardubice district during Prague Spring.