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A Graphic Work by the Galle Family Workshop Used as a Model in the Czech Artistic Milieu

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The article discusses the cycle of paintings The Life of St. Norbert.

This cycle of ten large-format paintings was created for the Royal Canonry of the Premonstratensians in Strahov between 1627 and 1630. The cycle was painted by Johann Georg Hering and his workshop.

It was one of the first Early Baroque legendary cycles. One of the models used for this cycle was a cycle of graphic work by the Galle family workshop.

The article mentions the influence of the graphic cycle The Life of St. Ignatius (published in 1609) on the graphic cycle of St.

Norbert. However, the graphic cycle of St.

Norbert was printed several times in various alternative versions. The article analyses these alternative versions and how they were used for the cycle in Prague.