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Interesting records of lichens in the Brdy Mts (Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The paper presents records of rare and overlooked mountain taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Brdy Mts (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic). During the extensive floristic survey, mainly relict habitats like siliceous boulder screes were studied.

Cladonia amaurocraea, Melanelia panniformis, Rhizocarpon eupetraeum, R. grande, and Umbilicaria hyperborea represent typical mountain species occupying such sites. Several rare epiphytes such as Biatora veteranorum, Pertusaria flavida, Protoparmelia hypotremella, and Rinodina excrescens grew on old oak and pine trees occurring at screes edges.

Cetraria sepincola, Nephromopsis laureri and Usnea glabrata could be found on trees in boulder screes surroundings. Remnants of the old-growth forests represent a second habitat type providing suitable conditions for rare lichens, e.g.

Bacidia circumspecta, B. vermifera, Bacidina phacodes, Catinaria atropurpurea, Gyalecta flotowii, and Sclerophora peronella. Alleys and solitary trees occurring in the areas of abandoned villages are also important for rare epiphytic lichens, but they were studied briefly only at several sites.

New chemotype of Cladonia amaurocraea with squamatic acid as a major lichen metabolite is reported. The rare lichenicolous fungus Unguiculariopsis acrocordiae parasitic on Acrocordia gemmata is recorded for the first time in the Czech Republic.

Brdy Mts are the only area in Central Bohemia with relatively well developed mountain flora, and possibly also the region with the best preserved epiphytic communities of lichens. Fourty-eight species are reported for the first time from the area.

In total, 368 taxa are known from the Brdy Mts.