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Lišejníky chráněných území Na Babě a Vraní skála na Křivoklátsku

Publikace na Přírodovědecká fakulta |


Two small-sized protected areas involving open rocky sites and surrounding woodlands were surveyed in the Křivoklát region. One-hundred seventy-five lichens, lichenicolous fungi and lichen allied fungi are reported from the protected area Na Babě.

The reserve is characterized by xerothermic vegetation (oak forests, grasslands, rocks) and a rather diverse bedrock. The area is rich in saxicolous and poor in epiphytic lichen species.

The most valuable communities are on +-shady slate and greywacke rocks (with e.g. Bacidia arceutina, Diplotomma canescens, Endocarpon psorodeum, Hyperphyscia adglutinata, Phaeophyscia chloantha).

From this locality, we publish two new species for the Czech Republic, a lichenicolous lichen Miriquidica instrata and a lichenicolous fungus Abrothallus tulasnei. Eighty-one taxa are reported from the protected area Vraní skála (chert rock).

Aspicilia gibbosa, Cladonia glauca, Dimelaena oreina, and Pleopsidium chlorophanum represent the most interesting records. According to comparison with historical literature, the saxicolous flora on Vraní skála persists nearly without any change.