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Basics of Allergology and Clinical Immunology for medical students III



The main components of the specific humoral response are antibodies (immunoglobulins) and their producers B lymphocytes. The main antibody's functions include opsonization, complement activation, neutralization and regulatory effects.

B cells after activation develop in plasma cells, which are the main producers of antibodies. We distinguish five isotypes of antibodies: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE, which are distinguished by different types of heavy chain.

B cell development take place in the bone marrow, where generate a wide repertoire of antigen-specific antibodies, which then pass through the selection process. Primary immune response is reaction of specific immune system to the first encounter with an antigen.

Is characterized by longer latency phase. In contrast to secondary immune response during the next encounter with the antigen involved memory cells and antibodies and is therefore faster and stronger.