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Human Plasma and Human Platelet-rich Plasma as a Substitute for Fetal Calf Serum during Long-term Cultivation of Mesenchymal Dental Pulp Stem Cells

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Our aims were to isolate and cultivate mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) in various media enriched with human blood derivatives, and subsequently to investigate their basic biological properties. Methods: DPSC were cultivated in five different media based on α MEM containing different concentrations of human plasma (HP), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or fetal calf serum (FCS).

The DPSC biological properties were examined periodically. Results: We cultivated DPSC in the various cultivation media over 15 population doublings except for the medium supplemented with 10% HP.

Our results showed that DPSC cultivated in medium supplemented with 10% PRP showed the shortest average population doubling time (DT) (28.6 +- 4.6 hours), in contrast to DPSC cultivated in 10% HP which indicated the longest DT (156.2 +- 17.8 hours); hence this part of the experiment had been cancelled in the 6th passage. DPSC cultivated in media with 2% FCS+ITS (DT 47.3 +- 10.4 hours), 2% PRP (DT 40.1 +- 5.7 hours) and 2% HP (DT 49.0 +- 15.2 hours) showed almost the same proliferative activity.

DPSC's viability in the 9th passage was over 90% except for the DPSC cultivated in the 10% HP media. Conclusions: We proved that human blood derivatites are suitable substitution for FCS in cultivation media for long-term DPSC cultivation.