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Positive clinical psychology

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The critical overview study has four parts. In the first one, the autors characterize the conceptual approaches of clinical psychology since its beginnings in the 19th century till its contemporary state.

They differentiate three areas of clinical psychology: psycholopathology, psychotherapy and psychodiagnostics. With support in professional literature, they warn about one-sidedness of conceptual stream in clinical psychology that takes place in medical institutions and is taught in academic institutions: it builds on the analogy with medicine, accentuates the illness and psychopathology.

In the second part, the authors characterize the origin and transfotmations of positive psychology, and they differentiate its four forms. The authors state that criticism is heard against the third and to considerable measure also against the second form of positive psychology.

They gathered in total twenty critical objections against positive psychology, especially against representatives of its "first wawe". In the third part of the study, they give insight into (reying on available literature) the effort of some psychologists to top up the clinical psychology by the elements of positive psychology.

These efforts are usually labeled as positive clinical psychology. The fourth part of the study shows how the elements of positive psychology can enrich psychodiagnostics in the framework of clinical psychology.