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The research of social enterprises in the Czech Republic - 2014

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The book "The research of social enterprises in the Czech Republic - 2014" is a collection of original research studies of social enterprises in the Czech environment. The aim of the team of authors of the Department of Civil Society Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague is to publish the results of research of the Department of Civil Society Studies Faculty of Humanities, the visibility of some social enterprises, thereby helping to kick off the long-term processes of social economy development in the Czech Republic.

Descriptions of social enterprises are processed by foreign EMES and methodology in relation to the involvement of the main authors of the project "ICSEM: INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE MODELS". Based on the outcomes of this research shows 27 social enterprises as one of the important components of the long-term sustainability of these enterprises human resources management.

Many employees of nonprofit sector takes his work more like a mission, so they are willing to tolerate a lower financial rewards and undefined strategy for managing people. As in the nonprofit sector arises even in the nonprofit sector competition.

Those companies that focus on meeting the needs of their employees, their motivation and care for them, will have an advantage in this competitive environment. For this reason, the management of human resources in the civil sector are an important part of the strategy of social enterprises.