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Both genetic and dietary factors underlie individual differences in DNA damage levels and DNA repair capacity

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The interplay between dietary habits and individual genetic make-up is assumed to influence risk of cancer, via modulation of DNA integrity. Our aim was to characterize internal and external factors that underlie inter-individual variability in DNA damage and repair and to identify dietary habits beneficial for maintaining DNA integrity.

Habitual diet was estimated in 340 healthy individuals using a food frequency questionnaire and biomarkers of antioxidant status were quantified in fasting blood samples. Markers of DNA integrity were represented by DNA strand breaks, oxidized purines, oxidized pyrimidines and a sum of all three as total DNA damage.

DNA repair was characterized by genetic variants and functional activities of base and nucleotide excision repair pathways. Sex, fruit-based food consumption and XPG genotype were factors significantly associated with the level of DNA damage.

DNA damage was higher in women (p = 0.035). Fruit consumption was negatively associated with the number of all measured DNA lesions, and this effect was mediated mostly by beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-tocopherol (p <0.05).

XPG 1104His homozygotes appeared more vulnerable to DNA damage accumulation (p = 0.001). Sex and individual antioxidants were also associated with DNA repair capacity; both the base and nucleotide excision repairs were lower in women and the latter increased with higher plasma levels of ascorbic acid and at-carotene (p <0.05).

We have determined genetic and dietary factors that modulate DNA integrity. We propose that the positive health effect of fruit intake is partially mediated via DNA damage suppression and a simultaneous increase in DNA repair capacity. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V.

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