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Differences in Body Image and Health among Sport Active and Passive Adults as a Base for School Health Education

Publikace na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu |

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The contribution concerns the aspects of body image, self evaluation, physical self, sport activities, health care, personal satisfaction and the possibility of improvement. The aim of the research "Body image as a part of active life style" was to learn about the importance and level of satisfaction with particular aspects of the physical and psychological self and degree of felt control and opportunity for change.

The questionnaire contains 8 parts: personal data, importance and satisfaction with "My body and health" and "My thinking and feelings", self control, opportunity for change, health status, sport activities, somatic type. 866 women and 769 men were interviewed. The results show that the more physically active people value their body and health much higher and they prove a significantly higher satisfaction with monitored aspects of their own physical and psychological status.

At the same time, they feel they have more control over their body and feelings. They also perceive more positively the opportunity to change, which indicates greater self confidence.

The number of health complaints declared by these respondents is significantly lower than that reported by inactive participants. Control over thoughts and feelings was reported by approx. 65% of respondents and control of body and health by even fewer respondents (approx. 60%).

There is an interesting difference in terms of control over activities for change or the ability to cope with negative things - this type of control was felt by 71% of women but only 46% of men. This result may indicate that men are less ready to deal with changes.