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Specific type of Central European city or cities in Central Europe?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The chapter is focused on the city in Central Europe as an institution. It asks whether it is legitimate to speak about Central European type of urban development, about Central European City.

The answer is searched through application of criteria such as the forms of foundation of towns, size range, urban functions in protoindustrial and industrial period, amenities and infrastructure of cities. It shows that, on the one hand, these indicators are mappable while drawing attention to the diversity of Central European cities.

When plotted on a map it is visible that Central Europe is represented through differences in the east-west and north-south axis. The comparison also challenges the regions' borders not only in the west and east, but also the southern boundary defined by either the Danube River, or the shores of the Adriatic.

Cities represent Central Europe as a region of diversities with internal centers and peripheries.