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Body Image of university students with respect to intergenerational transmission

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As shown in previous studies the satisfaction with own body - Body image depends on many factors, e.g. media influence, appearance evaluation by the peers and authorities. The possibility of intergenerational transmission of the satisfaction with their own bodies between parents and children has not been studied so far.

Sixty university students and their parents were included in the study and completed the questionnaires: Body Attitudes Questionnaire, The Body/Self relationship Test, Parental Bonding Instrument, SES-Rosenberg and Figure Rating Scale. Results showed a positive relationship between the students' and their mothers' body perception, which can be considered the result of intergenerational transmission through observational studying.

Furthermore, the higher level of satisfaction with their own bodies at female students and affectionate mother care during childhood and adolescence are positively correlated while the higher level of dissatisfaction is related to a higher level of father's overprotective care. Our results imply that some aspects of satisfaction can be affected by the quality of parental care in childhood and adolescence.