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The voyage of Ferdinand Klindera and the description of a possible Czech colony in Argentina

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article focuses on the relatively unknown book by Ferdinand Klindera " Český rolník napříč Argentinou. Příběhy rakouské výpravy do Patagonie, Praha 1912".

The author was a Czech expert in agriculture who participated in a special expedition organized by Arthur Krupp, aimed at establishing a colony in the Chubut province. Klindera's detailed description sheds further light on the life (as well as the Central European's perception hereof) in the Argentina of the beginning of t he twentieth century.

Unlike most other travel journals, Klindera pays great attention to his own field of interest and accurately describes terrain specifics. The undertaken expedition is exemplary of attempts undertaken by the authorities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire to set up close ties with Argentina.

It is of great interest to realize that - if the climate conditions and concession requirements had been more suitable for the project - a rural colony with a considerable number of Czech speaking emigrants would have existed on the other side of the ocean.