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Temperature evolution of microstructure of turbostratic high melting coal-tar synthetic pitch studied using wide-angle X-ray scattering method

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The generalized Warren-Bodenstein's approach of scattering on turbostratic carbon was used to fit the measured X-ray scattering patterns of high melting coal-tar synthetic pitch. A computer program adopting this approach allowing fitting of whole measured scattering powder patterns was written.

The program enables refinement of essential physical parameters of turbostratic carbon materials, i.e. the mean lattice parameters a(0), c(0), the mean cluster sizes parallel and perpendicular to the graphitic planes La and Lc, their distributions as well as the mean square atomic displacements and. A series of high melting coal-tar synthetic pitch specimens, annealed at different temperatures, was prepared and investigated.

In studied samples we observed the increase of the clusters sizes, changes in the mean lattice parameters a(0), c(0), and decay of disorder with increasing annealing temperature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.