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Wedding? Yes, but why

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The report introduces a dissertation research project of reasoning about problematic situations in a marriage and a partnership. We can find three categories of solutions and their justifications: 1) Communicate - It Would Depend on, 2) Resignation - No-Wedding, 3) Get Married or Split.

Respondents' decisions about non-personal situation depend on how they are addressed by marriage as an ideal of this situation. Then how is he or she able to see assertion in relationship and the readiness to step aside.

We can see different attitudes towards a marriage: conventional, emotional-relational, pragmatical and a marriage as a form without any quality. I show on four examples how theoretical solution can be different in comparision with the respondent's personal life solution.

The reason can be for example uncertainty of choosing the right partner, the value of marriage or the perception of marriage as a moral imperative.