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Category of opposition in Russian newspaper of latvia "Chas" in the period before the referendum on the draft law "Amendments to the Constitution the Republic of Latvia"

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article is dedicated to show the category of opposition in Russian newspaper "Chas" during one of the most actual issues of modern Latvian society: acceptance or rejection of amendments to the law on the status of Russian as the second state language. Opposition is present implicitly during the period of conflicts and crisis and divides the world into the mainstream opposition "us" and "they", also is possible separation of "us" and "you", it is caused by multiple character of long conflicts in society for over a long period of historical time.

The article represents some trends in showing the category of ppostion in russian newspaper of Latvia: references to the background information - historical events, politicians, organizations, personalities, also precedent texts; use of colloquial style lexemes; euphemisms, dysphemisms, occasionalisms; the use of consecutive lexical units of other styles. The submitted material indicates that the main debate on the amendments is constantly developing folllowing the opposition which constitutes the entire language of press.