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Cases of lighter refill blend gas inhalation

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Lighter gas inhalation belongs amongvolatile substance abuse. Cases of occu-rence are being reported from all overthe world and apply in particular to ado-lescents and people living in marginalcommunities.

The course of intoxicati-on is dose dependent and resembles theaction of hypnosedative agents includingalcohol, however the borderline betweenthe lethal dose and alowly toxic dose isvery thin. High doses lead to life threate-ning convulsions or coma and inhalationof the gas may also lead to sudden dea-th, that emerges due to sudden cardiacarrest.

Chronic use of volatile substancescauses severe damage to almost all of theorgan systems, especially to liver, kidneyand brain. Behavioral changes that in-volve apathy, moodiness or anorexia arepresent.

The authors present two illustra-tive case reports of young patients hos-pitalized in apsychiatric hospital. Thecircumstances of admission, the psycho-patological picture, treatment, the courseof the hospitalization and the develop-ment of nosognosia are documented.