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Monitoring of Reaction Intermediates in the Gas Phase: Ruthenium-Catalyzed C-C Coupling

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Investigation of catalytic organometallic reactions often relies on mass spectrometry. Frequently, however, possible reaction intermediates along the catalytic cycle correspond to the same mass-to-charge ratio and have rather similar molecular composition.

We have shown for the CC coupling between phenylacetylene and pyridine catalyzed by the ruthenium complex [RuCp(PPh3)(Py)(2)](+) that using a combination of collision-induced dissociation experiments, infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy, bimolecular reactions, and DFT calculations it is possible to study isobaric complexes and characterize the key intermediates in the reaction cycle. In addition, a so far elusive ruthenium complex with p-coordinated alkyne molecule has been spectroscopically characterized.