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OBAAMA-CZ group: Anaesthesia for minor surgery in the postpartum period - Czech prospective national survey

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Aim: The aim of the national survey was to describe current anaesthesia practice for minor surgery in the earlypostpartum period in the Czech Republic (CZE). Type of the study: National prospective observational survey.

Setting: 49 obstetric departments in CZE. Methods: We aimed to enrol all the 97 obstetric departments in CZE and to monitor every case of peripartum anaesthetic care during November 2011.

Data were recorded to Case Report Form with two parts (Demography 2010 and Case Report) into TrialDB database (Yale University, USA; adapted IBA, MU, CZE). The data were presented descriptively with Statistica 10 software.

Results: We enrolled 1940 cases of anaesthesiological care from 49 participating centres, and 142 (7.3%) of the cases were during the postpartum period. The most common procedure was manual removal of the placenta (106, 74.6%), instrumental revision of the uterus (56, 39.4%) and repair of postpartum injury (47, 33.1%).

General anaesthesia was most commonly used (131, 92.3%), the rest of the cases were in epidural anaesthesia (11, 7.7%). Airway was secured mainly with face mask (88, 67.2%) or orotracheal tube (27, 20.6%).

If the patient was intubated, rapid sequence induction (24, 88.9%) with cricoid pressure (15, 55.6%) and suxamethonium (27, 100%) were used in most cases. General anaesthesia was induced with propofol (108, 82.4%) followed by ketamine (33, 25.2%) and thiopentone (12, 9.2%).

Intra-operative analgesia was provided by sufentanil (55, 42.0%), alfentanil (28, 21.4%) or fentanyl (16, 12.2%). Conclusion: There is a trend to use general anaesthesia with face mask and propofol for minor surgery in the postpartum period in the CZE.