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Vývoj české zemědělské politiky směrem k přijetí modelu multifunkčního zemědělství

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The development of Czech agriculture since the collapse of the socialist economy can best be characterised as a shift from the preoccupation with post-communist transformation and restructuring of the 1990s towards adaptation to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and integration into its structures after the 2004 EU accession. Since then, Czechia has promoted the European model of multifunctional agriculture.

This approach is supported through the system of CAP subsidies, which no longer prioritise increasing production, but rather focus on the creation of non-commodity outputs of agricultural and public goods. The purpose of this article is to outline the evolution of Czech agriculture on its way to the acceptance of multifunctional agriculture whilst paying special attention to the issue of subsidies set up in support of this agricultural model.