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Secularization, Spiritual Care, and Value Survey

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The study deals with selected issues associated with a concept of spiritual care. In its first part, multidimensional, intercultural, and triangular models of spiritual care/spiritual needs are introduced, which represent a significant approach to spiritual care among its present theoretical reflections, particularly within the context of health care.

Inclusive understanding of human spirituality (that includes, yet is not identified with the religious issues), dynamic and purpose-oriented concept of spiritual needs, respect for the cognitive aspects of spirituality and for its socio-cultural mediation, search for universally shared needs and their expressions, defence of a uniqueness of human personal life experiences, these are the main topics stressed in this part of study. In its second part, attention is paid to the mezzo/macro-level of human spirituality.

Three approaches to the quantitative sociological survey of values are presented (Inglehart, Schwartz, Prudký). They offer a significant and inspiring reflection on the determinants of human spirituality.

Finally, need for methodological fructification of a concept of historic mentalities and Weber's concept of social conduct within the present theoretical reflections on human spirituality is mentioned.