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Natural Substances in Project Based learning



Project teaching in chemistry helps students to realize the importance of chemistry for their life of everyday. It allows them to understand better to their environment and teaches them responsibility for the current state and for the future of their surroundings, our country and the planet.

Project teaching is based on theoretical or practical problems that are solved by the cooperation of students and on their active work. The main objective of the research was to verify the effectiveness of chemistry teaching by project method with students of the 3rd year of Grammar School for topics of Saccharides and Proteins.

The main hypothesis was: teaching by project method increases the efficiency of the teaching process in chemistry class (efficiency - improving the results of students, their attitude towards natural science subjects, increasing the durability of knowledge and the development of key competencies). We used following methods: literary method, pedagogical experiment, questionnaire method, essay, statistical methods.

By implementing the project teaching in chemistry teaching, students which were taught by project method, obtained at the end of the experiment the level of knowledge comparable with students taught in a traditional manner. Project based learning has got a positive impact on durability of acquired students' knowledge.

Project method contributes to increasing the interest in natural science subjects, supports the development of key and scientific competences of students. The acquired conclusions represent a challenge for chemistry teachers to use project teaching due to the fact that it solves many problems of education which were indicated by the international PISA measurements.

Students can learn to think independently about science phenomena and contexts: they learn to study them, generate hypotheses, find and propose ways for solutions, to interpret the found data, to formulate conclusions and use evidence in formulating arguments, etc.