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How to create victims. On Eginald Schlattner's novel 'Rote Handschuhe'

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |

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Eginald Schlattners novel tells the story of a student who gets caught by the Romanian secret service Securitate. His enemies are convinced that he, not only a student but also a writer, and his friends want to undermine the Romanian communist state with their German literature.

In jail, he not only gives away the names of his colleagues, but starts sympathizing with the socialist/communist ideas. The paper tries to analize how, on the one hand, the author constitutes the picture of the young student as a victim of the Securitate and, on the other hand, how his colleagues became his own victims because it is them who have to go to and stay in prison for many, many years.

It is a tricky analysis because the novel is based on real happenings which cannot be forgiven by some of the members.