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Electronic Database of Solved Tasks in Physics

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Within the frame of physics education at all school levels, students should reach ability to solve quantitative physics tasks correctly.This competency is developed not only in schools during lessons and seminars but also by home study. Lots of collections of problems in physics (books as well as web based collections) exist in Czech language.

But most of these collections contain mainly unsolved tasks. It is obvious that common (unsolved) collections of problems are not very suitable for home study.

Students with insufficient previous education or mathematical skills are usually incapable of solving the task without a help of the teacher. For this reason the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, has been developing an electronic database of fully solved problems in physics.

Albeit this collection contains fully solved problems, the collection exists only in electronic version and so it is possible to use interactive components and links to hide complete solution of tasks. Structure of the problems' solutions is specially designed to substitute tutor's help during lessons and encourage students to solve at least some parts of the problems independently.