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The Terminological World is Full of Surprise

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper is dedicated to terminology and special communication. It reviews briefly some important milestones in the historical development of Czech theory of terminology.

As shown, interest in terminology and terminography and terminological culture has a long and important tradition in Czech linguistics. Its beginning is connected with the work on the dictionary of Czech language (Příruční slovník jazyka českého, published since 1935), systematically it has been elaborated in connection with activities of the Prague Linguistic Circle (established in 1926).

Prague school of terminology claimed standardization of terms by authorities and normalization institutions, the school studied terminology as a part of national vocabulary. Its aim was to offer structural and functional description of special language including terms in Czech and Slovak.

After World War II, the Czechoslovak normalization committee for terminology had been established, which published the Czechoslovak terminological journal. Further terminological activities included publications, terminological conferences and participation of Czech terminologists in the international Slavistic congresses in 1992 in Quebek and 2003 in Prague.

Their representation continues in newly established terminological commission on Terminology, International Slavistic Committee.