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What is the teacher's role in e-learning?

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The review study deals with global attempts at defining a teacher's role in new forms of teaching and learning, which take place, partially and/or completely, in virtual space. In the first part, specific aspects of e-learning and other forms of distant learning are discussed.

The second part points out the distinctions between generation of current teachers and generation of students, who just enter schools. It is well known, that current students are usually more familiar with use of electronic devices such as laptops, cell phones, and tablets.

In the third part, basic terms are defined in detail: a social role, social functions and competencies of teachers, and relationships among those terms. In the fourth part, both theoretical and empirical ways of qualification of a teacher's role are discussed.

The essence of empirical research is both explained and evidenced by analysis of 6 studies aimed at teacher's role in e-learning, which were mainly carried out at universities.