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Wellness, health and quality of life

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Wellness is now a general and abstract paradigm in everyday discourse is the term associated with something good, healthy and pleasant. No wonder it is used in marketing, advertising and used to frequent this term without great scruples abused, said that thanks to the association increased the attractiveness of the product offered.

It is used as a term to denote higher quality, focusing on health, well-being, beauty and pleasantness. Such as "wellness shampoo" or "wellness turkey ham" and devalue the concept of people who do not identify with brutal advertising and consumerism madness to raise a priori notion of distrust.

Likewise, there is distrust among people who are "burned", believed advertising and the result is disappointing. This does nothing to change the fact that the market segment wellness is the "gold mine" wellness business and professional community from the issue rather repels a term is considered to be downgraded and commercially globalized.