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Introduction to Visual exegesis. The book of revelation in the work of Sandro Botticelli

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The paper to the Cultural Transfer conference called "Introduction to the visual exegesis. The Book of Revelation in the work of Sandro Botticelli." introduces the audience to the unconventional exegetical method - the visual exegesis.

This method is usually used when planar art pieces (illustration, painting, woodcut, etc.) are analysed. This contribution raise the question "is it possible to work with art piece as with the biblical text"? - to analyse it and give an interpretation? As a practical example of use of this method Sandro Botticelli master piece The Mystic nativity serves.

The meaning of this piece is evident from the first time - it is scene of birth of Jesus. This birth according to Sandro Botticelli has not usual meaning of birth but the "subtext" of this picture contains also the spiritual fight and effort.

The analysis of Sandro Botticelli's piece and gradual penetration into the picture brings new and important information that can help to better understanding of this picture and text. This contribution tries to show the particular connection between Botticelli's picture and the Book of Revelation (chapter 12 and 20).

The contribution contains also the information about theology of Revelation, the cultural context and time of Sandro Botticelli. We will devote time also to the connection of Botticelli to Girolamo Savonarola, Italian Dominican friar, who analysed the Book of Revelation and preach about it - this fact probably influenced Botticelli work.