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Webb graph as a method of population change analysis on the regional level

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Demography (or geodemography) defines different kinds of population change: natural change as a result of natality and mortality processes, migration change as precisely defined moves of population in space. Simultaneous effect of both processes is called total population change.

On the level of Czechia as a whole the total population change has been determined mainly by migration growth since 2003. With a shift to the regional level, there occurs a significant differentiation.

This contribution deals with the relationship between migration and natural change on the regional level using the method of Webb graph. Territorial units SO ORP are being analysed in two periods 1999-2003 and 2009-2013.

Five-year periods were chosen in order to limit random fluctuations in demographically less numerous units; the middle of the chosen interval is the census year.