CZIDLO is a software tool supporting the Czech national persistent identifiers system called ČIDLO (Czech system for the identification and localization of digital heritage documents) based on URN:NBN standard. CZIDLO offers following underlying functions:
1) URN:NBN identifiers assigning (automatically via a communication application programming interface or manually via web interface), in exchange for metadata about identified documents,
2) the management of identifiers (eg. identifier deactivation) and their associated metadata,
3) ingesting URLs linking to digital documents identified by URN:NBN identifier or updating this URLs (manually via the web interface / automatically via API or OAI Adapter utility),
4) redirecting service (resolver) ensuring redirecting Web browser from URN:NBN to current URL location of the identified document or to document record stored in resolver,
5) management of user accounts, rights and registrars' records via the web interface,
6) searching digital documents records via the web interface,
7) execution of server processes via the web interface (OAI Adapter, the list of identifiers export),
8) OAI-PMH interface for harvesting records by external systems, CZIDLO was developed in 2011-2012. This software solution is based on open source technologies (Java, PostgreSQL database, Spring Security, GWT, etc.) and well-known standards (XML, XSD, XSLT, HTTP, REST, etc.). CZIDLO is released under GNU GPL v3 open licence. Source code, installation packages, documentation etc. are publicly accessible on the web project. CZIDLO supports ensuring continued access to digital documents regardless of Internet address changes and synchronization between the various derivatives of the digital document in different systems (digital repositories, digital libraries) and provides tool for verifying quotations (by maintaining metadata about identified documents).