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View of the sociologist and the extraordinary actor of the Czech public sphere Libor Konvička

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Majority of professional activity of Libor Konvička was realized at Czech sociological workplaces or at various structures of Czech political scene and public sphere. Nevertheless, some foreign researchers considered him to be expererienced specialist in the sociologal field and he was cited in various scientific publications.

General evaluation of his personality also presupposes to take into consideration his personal qualities that can be documented by his cooperation with dissent during pre-November regime (that focused on violation of human rights). His interest concerning regulation and violation of human rights occured during his studies in the sociological department at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (he elaborated and defended final work concerning the topic).

His other inetellectual interests concerned translation activites of fiction from Russian language or self-taught knowledge concerning symbolism of Orthodox icons. Majority of Konvička's activities during more than last twenty years concerned sociological research or pedagogy.

Nevertheless, his interests included sophisticated journalism concerning various social topics (he published his articles in reputable Czech periodicals).