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Three dimensions of the so-called "interoperability" of annotation schemes

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The so-called interoperability is proposed to be viewed from three angles, each of which has its advantages and weak points. The application of the original interpretation of interoperability as a collaboration of components seems to be rather inspiring and has been already tested on several multilayered annotation schemes.

One of the main obstacles for an adaptation of a single scenario for different languages is not only the different (typological) features of these languages but also the fact that each scenario (if well developed) has behind it a certain linguistic theory and people working with these theories have been ”born”. Obviously, obstacles concern the fact that there was a parallel development of some of the schemes, the older and more “elaborated” ones (more advanced, used for more languages etc.) are (obviously) not open to big changes.

Communication or collaboration between different schemes requires, on the one hand, an explicit specification of each particular scheme, and, on the othe