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Keeping stillbirth - Recommended

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


From 1 4. 2012 has changed the definition of stillbirth in the Czech Republic, according to WHO recommendations. Now, according to § 82 para. 2 of the Act on Health Services, stillbirth understand the birth of the fetus without signs of life (heartbeat, breathing movements, active muscle movements, shouting) weighing more than 500 grams.

If you can not determine the weight of the fetus, then the criterion for gestational age (22nd week of pregnancy), if not even know the gestational age of the fetus, then we use length of fetal crown-heel (25 cm). About abortion talk, if an expulsion without signs of life weighing less than 500 g or gestational age of the fetus less than 22 weeks, when it is impossible to determine the weight of the fetus.

Stillbirth fetuses over 500 g in the Czech Republic is around 3.9% o.