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Autoantibodies and female infertility

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Objective: Analysis of the serum autoantibodies incidence in women with so-called. idiopathic sterility and/or dysfertility. Materials and Methods: We have examined 150 women diagnosed with infertility, first- and second-trimester abortions and habitual miscarriages on the presence of serum antibodies against phospholipids, annexin V, ovary, zona pellucida, sperm, tissue transglutaminase and nuclear antigens.

Results: In the group of patients with primary or secondary sterility anti-sperm antibodies positivity was dominant (12%), and to a lesser extent anti-ovarian and anti-zona pellucida autoreactivity (both about 5%). In women with first-trimester miscarriages, IgG antiphospholipid antibodies were found in 12.5%, anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA and/or IgG in over 12% cases, and especially antibodies against annexin V in nearly 70% individuals.

Second-trimester abortions were associated mainly with antiphospholipid antibodies (> 26%). The incidence of antinuclear antibodies in sera of infertile women was significantly higher compared to the literature data on the prevalence of these antibodies in the population of fertile women of the same age.

Conclusions: Immunological laboratory testing is an integral part of the examinations in infertile couples and has its place in both the screening and the highly specialized investigations.