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Effect of creatine on the bone metabolic turnover and quality of bone tissue in rats

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


We investigated the effect of creatine administered in the diet for 12 weeks on metabolic bone turnover and bone quality in male Wistar rats. (ST1-S vs Krea-S): at the end of the experiment body fat (g) 75+-18 vs 39+-9 (p=0,001); tibia breaking-point (N) 131+-18 vs 126+-11; torsion (N/m) 297+-13 vs 288+-24; bone thickness (mm) 0,541+-0,009 vs 0,528+-0,012 (p=0,020). The results suggest that the food enriched with creatine affects dose dependent bone metabolic turnover followed by changes in the density of bone.