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Material for preparation od CdTe detectors



Technology of preparation of semiinsulating CdTe detectors was developed. We prepared a functional sample of semiinsulating material in the form of a wafer of semiinsulating CdTe and a planar detector with surface gold contacts.

We prepared a semiinsulating CdTe crystal doped with indium by technology of growth in vertical gradient (VGF) with a diameter of 50mm. Based on analysis of series of crystals prepared by this technology in 2012-2014 we determined optimal concentration of dopant.

This concentration guarantees both high electric resistivity and good charge collection efficiency. The prepared ingots were cut, lapped and polished.

Thje lectric resitivity was measured by contactless resistivity measurement method COREMA. The wafers were further cut into smaller samples, on which detectors with planar electrodes were fabricated.These samples were then characterized by measurement with alpha, gamma nad X-ray spectroscopy.