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Introduction to Contemporary Orthodox Eschatology

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Talking about the present Orthodox eschatology is not easy. Current Orthodox dogmatic treatises on this topic often have no separate articles and often they simply not include any chapter on eschatology.

On the other hand, we can not say that eschatology in Orthodoxy stands aside. This obscure position of eschatology in contemporary Orthodox theology has a simple explanation.

Eschatology is not anything separate, detached from the theory and practice of Christian life, eschatological moment is present in all areas of faith and life of the Orthodox Christian and therefore should be included in all chapters of the systematic theology. The basic dynamic moments of Orthodox eschatology are: awareness of finality and temporariness of creation and the possibility of participation in God's eternity and immortality.

One of the main points of the Orthodox faith is the expectation of Christ's second coming and the resurrection of the dead. The cult of holy relics can be considered crucial in Orthodoxy.

It's very intense and lived expression of faith in the one who has been adopted by God, find himself out of reach of the power of death and destruction.