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International Workshop: Contemporary German Cinema (filmmakers, topics, trends)



Organised in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut in Prague, CineGraph and the Czech-German Future Fund, the workshop introduced to Czech audiences contemporary German Cinema in its complexity ranging from film authors, to film trends, from production, to distribution and financing. By bringing together Czech and German film experts - historians, journalists, theoreticians, practitioners (directors, producers) it served as a platform for a dialogue and a vital exchange of internal and external opinions on the issues pertaining to contemporary German Cinema.

The workshop consisted of two panels: 1) Contemporary trends and filmmakers 2) German Cinema in Global Context (distribution, production, financing). Two panels enabled to cover extensively diverse areas of Contemporary German Cinema: work of current as well as former generations of filmmakers, film style, genres, film trends and tendencies, funding, the role of television as well as state and audiences.

Its main aim was to introduce Czech audiences to one of the most vital yet - despite the close geographic proximity of both countries - little known European film cultures.