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One-tier model in the Czech Republic and Italy

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The object of this chapter is the monistic (one-tier) structure of joint-stock company, which was introduced to the Czech corporate law during the recodification of the Czech private law by the act. No. 90/2012 Coll., Act of Commercial Corporation ("ACC").

Within the chapter are briefly discussed about the bodies of joint - stock companies,which have opted for a one tier modeland are highlighted certain difficulties of interpretation and application. As one of the inspirational sources ACC is also the ItalianCivil Code,in the chapter is made an excursion to theItalian legal framework.

The goal of this chapter is to compare (but not completely) of modifications of one tier system of corporate governance in the Czech Republic and Italy, and at the same time to point out some differences that must be reflected in the case of application of comparative interpretation of the Czech legislation.