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List of malacologically treated Holocene sites with brief review of palaeomalacological research in the Czech and Slovak Republics

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The complete list of all Holocene mollusc succession sites sampled by standard techniques in the area of the Czech and Slovak Republics is presented, 30 years after the last one. All sites are commented upon,and geographical, geomorphological, and vegetation conditions are described including other important information.

A complete literature review was done and crucial research moments pointed out. Altogether, 302 Holocene mollusc successions were sampled in this area during the period 1948e2013.

To date, 272 successions are published, but only 240 of them were processed in detail; 62 sampled profiles remained unprocessed; 129 successions were numerically dated.We believe that this is a globally unique dataset with great research potential.