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New LAP exam in English at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This poster shows the new structure, aiming and content of the university exam done at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. There has been a long tradition of this type of exam for the non-English majors (students who major in other subjects in the field of humanities, history and philology) at this faculty.

In 2013 this exam underwent a radical change. To prepare students for this exam, a new textbook for basic language courses was introduced while having in mind the CEFR descriptors.

The levels of those courses start at the B1 CEFR level and should take the students to min B2 CEFR level. As the aim was to base the new exam and the syllabus of courses on the development of academic skills and specialised language (EFL, EAP) needed in the field of humanities, one of the IELTS course books was chosen.

The primary concern was combining all these issues so that the new type of university English exam adequately reflects the requirements and demands of both the students who are willing to study abroad and specialised faculty departments. The poster should graphically explain those changes and the current structure of the new academic English exam.