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Resettlement Office of the Ministry of Interior with headquarters in Benešov 1942-1945

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Between 1942 and 1945 the territory between Benešov and Sedlčany was deplaced for the purpose of establishing a training area for the SS units (SS-Truppenübungsplatz "Böhmen"). The Resettlement Office in Benešov directed the transfer of the local population through its offices in Netvořice and Čerčany.

In 1943 a subsidiary also operated in Sedlčany. The text casts light on the mission of the office, its staff, its public and covert operations during the occupation.

The text is based on archival materials from the period of the Protectorate enriched with post-war statements by the transferees, Resettlement Office staff and gendarmerie.