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Multimedia Textbook for the Subject Czech Sign Language (CSL)



In the Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication at the Faculty of Arts (Charles University) in Prague within the study program Czech in the Communication of the Deaf are currently lots of new materials being produced which can be used for the teaching of the Deaf. As a result of the recently finished project coordinated by Naďa Dingová the Multimedia Textbook for the Subject Czech Sign Language (CSL) was created.

Within the study program there is the Czech Sign Language being taught and at the same time the research of the Czech Sign Language takes place here. This language has its specific needs concerning the design and function of its "textbooks" because it is based on visually and manually coded language.

At the Faculty of Arts the Czech Sign Language is taught just by Deaf native signers. The group of teachers has been completing their experience and improving the quality of the Czech Sign Language teaching over 12 years.

Thanks to the project the teachers got the chance to gather their long time experience and knowledge in the multimedia product, which will serve to all Sign Language teachers and to the students as well. As far as we know the teaching of the subject Czech Sign Language has been really hard, because there was no textbook covering the needs of the subject so far.

We would like to introduce our textbook and offer its practical use.