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Thinking about transcendence

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty, Catholic Theological Faculty |


The book titled Reflections on Transcendence aims to offer miscellaneous perspectives on transcendence in the course of time, as observed in the works of specific authors and concepts of different theological disciplines, as Apostle Paul, Ambrose of Milan, the Islamic scholar and theologian Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī, Thomas Aquinas. The birth of the Modern Age in Renaissance is a period of search for adequate expression of relationship between the immanent and the transcendent according to Italian Renaissance and Mannerist theorists Giorgio Vasari and Federico Zuccari.

The Modern thought deconstructed the earlier concept of the transcendent divine reality. Some contemporary theologians strove for new hermeneutics in the approach to transcendence or Revelation: Hans Urs von Balthasar, Adolphe Gesché, Tomáš Špidlík, Klaus Berger.

The quest for transcendence is also set in the horizontal direction, where man attempts at transcending himself in relation to the other. The moral dimension of God's presence, religious pedagogy, the Czech language in the "touch of transcendence" as observed in the changes of Czech biblical style.