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Critical Analysis of the Concept of Spiritual Emergency

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The concept of spiritual emergency is usually rejected by the experts, although there is still lack of its systematic critique. I am trying to fill up the gap and to point out critically some problems related to this concept.

I draw reader's attention to haziness of the concept of spiritual emergency and discover range of internal contradictions of the transpersonal theory. For instance, some states considered by transpersonalists to be spiritual emergency do not comply with their own criterions.

I also object to its undesirable value burden. It is unsuitably value laden term, since the category is grounded in specific religious ideas.

These ideas overlap with ideas of New Age movement to a large degree. In this context I raise the question, whether transpersonal psychology is a scientific discipline or rather a crypto-religious movement.

In this article I propose some arguments why it is not appropriate to regard transpersonal psychology as a scientific discipline.