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Molecular Epidemiology of Dermatophytoses in the Czech Republic - Two-Year-Study Results

Publication at Faculty of Science, First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the study was to evaluate the spectrum of causative agents of the main clinical forms of dermatophytoses in the Czech Republic by molecular genetic methods (MGM). During two years (from July 2011 to June 2013), 3255 cultivation specimens were positive for dermatophytes.

The highest number of specimens was isolated from tinea unguinum (55,5%), then tinea corporis (29,2%), tinea pedis (14,6%) and tinea capitis (0,7%). The identification of isolated species (n = 672) except for Trichophytom rubrum (n = 2563) was performed by MGM (PCR fingerprinting or sequencing of ITS segments of rDNA).

For T. rubrum only morphologically non-clear isolates were identified (n = 189). In total, 14 species of dermatophytes were identified.

The most important change noticed compared to previous results was an increased detection of Arthroderma benhamiae in the cases of tinea corporis (22,9%) and tinea capitis (29,2%). Geophilic species caused only 1,3% of all infections even if this group comprised the highest number of species with two newly described ones and also Microsporum persicolor and M. fulvum wich are usually overlooked in the morphological examination.